Un magazin, un website, o comunitate si un brand. Un boutique modern, dar stilat, clasic doar pana la limita elegantei, in nuante pudrate de roz.
Povestea incepe in 2017, odata cu dorinta noastra de a crea ceva mai mult decat o experienta banala de cumparaturi. Ne-am dorit ceva in plus, farmec, o poveste, o experienta unica pentru clientele noastre. Ne-am dorit ca fiecare femeie sa indrazneasca mai mult.
La Flamour vei gasi piese vestimentare de la diferite branduri internationale, dar si colectii realizate de noi, in atelier propriu, in Romania.
In spatele brand-ului sta o echipa de femei extrem de pasionate si determinate. Din mainile lor ies colectii deosebite, care inglobeaza perfect semnatura Flamour: confortabil si, in acelasi timp, feminin.
In relatiile cu oamenii punem comunicarea pe primul plan. Abordarea centrata pe client si piesele de calitate la un pret accesibil sunt inima afacerii noastre.
Te invitam sa ne descoperi pe social media @flamour.ro, unde poti vedea secvente din viata noastra de zi cu zi, atat la birou cat si in ateliere, povesti din spatele hainelor si multe, multe colete impachetate cu grija si expediate catre clientele noastre #flamour.
We speak your language!
Echipa noastra de servicii clienti vorbeste engleza, germana, romana si maghiara.
Iti stam la dispozitie pentru intrebari, colaborari si alte informatii.
As a female led business, we share a common desire to make every woman look and feel amazing. Offering beautiful clothing at an accessible price point and delivering amazing customer experiences, through our customer centric approach, is the heart of our business.
Expect to find the statement pieces with an affordable price-tag that you won't find anywhere else.
We get in new products every week from different brands and the company's own brand. We also design in-house collections in our small atelier, that ultimately embody the classic Flamour signature: comfy yet perfectly feminine.
We value slow fashion over mass-production so that each quality piece is worthy of the investment and is loved forever.
Join us on social media @flamour.ro for revealing fashion tips, behind the scenes secrets and of course, amazing clothing pieces.
We speak your language!
Our customer service team speaks english, german, hungarian and romanian.
For questions, enquiries or collaborations, we're here to help! Let us know how.